Welcome to Candace & Jonathan’s Wedding Registry Website

Candace and Jonathan are getting married! And you are invited! (Even if you are not one of the lucky ones to get an invitation in the mail, do not let this discourage you from attending anyway.)

Most likely, you will be wanting to bring some gift with you to the wedding. This website is designed to help you pick that very important gift for Candace and Jonathan.

There are several Gift Registries you can choose from. However, you may find that there is only a limited number of items in these store registries. If you are not happy with your options, you can look through our own list of More Stuff We Like.



Details of the Day

When: Memorial Day Weekend, May 26, 2007 (around 10:30 in the morning)

Why: Because we like each other

Where: Kirchenwald Retreat Center, Colebrook, PA

[ Kirchenwald’s website ] [ Driving Directions ] [ Map ]


Rain Location: Ruhl’s United Methodist Church, Manheim PA

[ How do I know if you’re moving to the rain location? ] [ Driving Directions ] [ Map ]


Gift Registries

Candace & Jonathan have gift registries at the following places:


More Stuff We Like

When you purchase any of the items below, please click the button indicating the quantity you have purchased so there are as few duplicates as possible. Thank you!
Help us donate a Llama!
We would love for you to help us buy a llama for a family in Latin America through Heifer International. This fuzzy animal will help the family to make warm clothing and to earn money to send their children to school!

(Actually, any of the animals from Heifer International are good choices. We just especially like llamas.)

The brochure from Heifer International says “Llamas are a terrific asset to farmers in the highlands of South America. Families weave clothing and blankets from llamas’ abundant wool fiber, and the nimble, intelligent creatures can survive on twigs and moss.”


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Black Pine Sports Sasquatch Two Person Square Sleeping Bag
Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:

If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!

Also, if two lie down together,
they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?

Ecclesiastes 4:9-11


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Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner
Healthy, clean, and way expensive: this is the vacuum of our dreams.

(A used Rainbow in good condition is also highly acceptable, as this may make it easier to acquire without teaming up with quite as many friends and relatives.)


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Ice Cream Maker
With the hand crank. This is the real thing, baby.
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Bath Towels - Bay Blue (L. L. Bean)
This is a single bath towel from L. L. Bean.

This is one of three colors that we like.


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Bath Towels - Deep Rose (L. L. Bean)
This is a single bath towel from L. L. Bean.

This is one of three colors that we like.


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Bath Towels - Gray Birch (L. L. Bean)
This is a single bath towel from L. L. Bean.

This is one of three colors that we like.


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Hand Towels - Bay Blue (L. L. Bean)
This is a set of two (2) hand towels from L. L. Bean.

This is one of three colors that we like.


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Hand Towels - Deep Rose (L. L. Bean)
This is a set of two (2) hand towels from L. L. Bean.

This is one of three colors that we like.


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Hand Towels - Gray Birch (L. L. Bean)
This is a set of two (2) hand towels from L. L. Bean.

This is one of three colors that we like.


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Washcloths - Bay Blue (L. L. Bean)
This is a set of two (2) washcloths from L. L. Bean.

This is one of three colors that we like.


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Washcloths - Deep Rose (L. L. Bean)
This is a set of two (2) washcloths from L. L. Bean.

This is one of three colors that we like.


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Washcloths - Gray Birch (L. L. Bean)
This is a set of two (2) washcloths from L. L. Bean.

This is one of three colors that we like.


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Flannel Sheet Set - Charcoal (Lands’ End)
This is the 5-ounce Yarn-dyed Flannel Bedding from Lands’ End. The only color we liked in this set was Charcoal. The other colors were gross.

For serious buyers, plan on getting this entire set for a Queen size bed.


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Flannel Sheet Set - Persian Blue (Lands’ End)
This is the 6-ounce Solid Supima Flannel Bedding from Lands’ End. Persian Blue (and possibly Desert Khaki) were really the only colors we liked in this set.

For serious buyers, plan on getting this entire set for a Queen size bed.


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Gravy Ladles
Some of us don’t even know how to spell “ladles” (or “gravy” for that matter).

Do you realize how hard it is to find good gravy ladles these days? None of our registries have any good ones available… Even the picture over there is a little ridiculous…

We want a good gravy ladle. Find us a good one, you get a trophy.
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Lettuce Tupperware
Do you see that picture over there?

Great! Because we’ll give you a trophy if you can find that actual piece of merchandise anywhere. (That picture doesn’t even exist online anymore.)

Why is it so hard to find tupperware for lettuce?

Find it for us. Be our friend for life.
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Meals For Two
Picture this: we’re newlyweds. We don’t have time for things like… eating!

Be a blessing to us in this very busy and time-consuming period of our lives. Give us the gift of food. Easy meals for two would be very much appreciated.

We are pleased to report that neither Candace nor Jonathan have any food allergies. We are even more pleased to announce that neither of them are picky with their food. Buy anything. They’ll eat it.
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Lead your dynasty through 2000 years of history in ancient Egypt. Gather as much fame and honor as possible. Place the most pharaohs. Establish unequalled monuments and use the fertility of the Nile. But don’t neglect your people and their culture. Otherwise the fame of your dynasty is quickly lost.

Back by popular demand, this is a classic Reiner Knizia, and sure to be a game you play over and over again!


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St. Petersburg
Baroque palaces, wide boulevards, and elegant bridges: St Petersburg.

On May 16, 1703, Czar Peter the Great lays the foundation for the first building. Quickly impressive buildings are erected that are ever more grand and beautiful. Such buildings bring the aristocracy glory and the players victory points. But you need traders to bring the rubles necessary for all this magnificence, otherwise, the buildings are empty and bare. But the competition never sleeps and may grab needed cards right from under your nose.

St Petersburg: the card game of beautiful living on the Neva.


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Handmade / Foreign Pottery
… Especially plates.

We don’t have any special notion of where you should get them, as long as they are of good quality and feel nice.

Millersville University ceramics should be having a big sale in May sometime. (If you go there, any works from Beth Gottschalk/Stauffer, or Vaughn would be great!)

Be creative. We love this stuff.
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Herb Seeds
Candace will probably want to garden at some point. Jonathan will probably want to help, too.

However, we won’t just want to play around in the dirt (well, actually, we just might). We would like some seeds to help us out.

Be creative! What kinds of things would YOU want to grow if you had a few window boxes?
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The postage rate is going up! And on top of that, we would really like books and sheets of stamps to start married life off right. (Chances are, one of the first things we’ll be using them for is thank you notes. Hint hint.)


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Stationary & Cards
We’re going to be writing a LOT of letters! And we’re going to be wanting a LOT of stationary. (And it had better be FUN stationary!)

Really, we’re open on this one. If you know of some fun stationary, notecards, envelopes, please share them! All fun stationary-type gifts will be accepted, none will be turned away.

(If you have been the recipient of any of the “Not Beth” cards earlier in your life, this could be a great time to return the favor.)
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This will probably be used with the stationary and cards. (See above.)

Anything to decorate. As usual, all fun stickers-type items will be accepted, none will be turned away or thrown into the streets.
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Gift Cards for Eddie Bauer
A few gift cards for Eddie Bauer would be very nice.


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Gift Cards for EMS
A few gift cards for Eastern Mountain Sports would be very nice.

We’ll take you hiking!


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Gift Cards for groceries
A few gift cards for some local grocery stores would be very nice. Food is good! And we’ll probably be eating a lot of it.

For those out of the area, local grocery stores chains in Lancaster include Giant, Weis, Redners, and Amelias.


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Gift Cards for the Education Station
A few gift cards for the Education Station in Lancaster would be very nice. Candace would appreciate it as she buys supplies to begin teaching.


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Apple-Peeling Gizmo
This should really be called a apple-corer-peeler-slicer, as that is what it does. Pies are wonderfulicious!


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Theater and/or Broadway Tickets
We love going to musicals, plays, and movies.

So, really… buying us tickets to see a show would be great. And any of those shows in the picture there would be good too. *grin* Going to see Les Mis or Phantom would make, like, my entire life up to this point.
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Contact Us

Parents of Candace

1740 North Colebrook Road
Manheim, PA 17454

Parents of Jonathan

R.D. #7, Box 7704
Stroudsburg, PA 18360


1740 North Colebrook Road
Manheim, PA 17454


50 South Market Street #R
Elizabethtown, PA 17022